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Incorporated in the State of New Jersey (USA) on May 17, 1994 under Title 15A:2-8 New Jersey Domestic Nonprofit Corporation act.  Registration No.: 22-3304404.


Registered as a Charitable Organization (CR-I) in the Department of Law and Public Safety (State of New Jersey) on May 23, 1994 under the Charitable Fund Raising Act of 1971 (N.J.S.A. 45:17A-1).  Registration No.: CH0639700.


Registered as a tax-exempt Organization by Department of the Treasury of the Internal Revenue Service on February 6, 1995.  Case No.: 524329017.  Exempt Organization Permit: EO-223-304-404/000.










Charitable Registration: 




Tax- Empt Status Registration: 





D-U-N-S Number:



CISDF obtains an annual audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by an independent accounting firm. A copy of this financial report can be found below.


*In order to insure the privacy of our donors, all donor information has been redacted from Form 990. 


CISDF respects donor privacy and will not trade, share or sell a donor's personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. CISDF will only disclose of personal information if required by law, regulatory or court order, or legal process. If any donor or partner's identity is to be used for any reason, CISDF will always get written permission from said donor or partner. 


CISDF’s plans, processes, information, and contacts are handled in a private, confidential manner. All photos, stories, and ideas and all aspects pertaining to it are the sole property of CISDF. The information will not be shared, sold, or traded in principle or content. All reports, memoranda, notes, or other documents will remain part of the company’s confidential records.


We do not collect any personal information from users browsing our Web site. When you use the public areas of our Web site you are doing so anonymously. 


Non-Discrimination Statement

CIS Development Foundation prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program.

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Write to us: 

77 Milltown Road, Suite A2

East Brunswick, NJ 08816

CIS Development Foundation, is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible under this status. 

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